4 (Godly) Ways to Handle People Who Highjack Your Day
I got hijacked. Yes, you read that right. Every Monday at 7:30 am. I meet a former neighbor for a walk around a lake near her home. Today, one of…
A Womans Guide to Meeting God
I got hijacked. Yes, you read that right. Every Monday at 7:30 am. I meet a former neighbor for a walk around a lake near her home. Today, one of…
You’ve read about stinkin’ thinkin’ (if you haven’t, check out my last blog post) but have you ever considered stikin’ talkin’? Recently, I realized I’ve become a victim of stinkin’…
I sensed something was wrong. Let me rephrase that. I smelled something wrong. I was fairly certain the odor came from somewhere in my youngest daughter’s room. A quick look,…
Could five words change your life? Spoiler alert: They can. Seriously. Read on to find out how… Recently, group of gals sat around a table discussing the first chapter of…
The post 5 Words Guaranteed to Change Your Life appeared first on Donna Jones.
2021 certainly hasn’t started out like we anticipated. Not for any of us. This week’s events have left most of us emotionally on edge. Personally, our family has also been…
The post Where is God? Calm For Your Chaos appeared first on Donna Jones.
No room. It was a problem the day Jesus was born, and it’s a problem, still. Even in the midst of a crazy 2020–though one would think this is the…
The post No Room at My House? appeared first on Donna Jones.
Kylie sat a safe six feet apart in a circle of teenage girls. As their youth leader, she was eager to hear how each would answer the ice breaker question:…
The post Why We Need Thankfulness Now More Than Ever appeared first on Donna Jones.
The stress of 2020 has taken its toll. Fear. Anxiety. Loneliness. Hopelessness. Worry. These are real. We all battle them–sometimes on a daily basis. Breathe. You aren’t alone. Recently I’ve…
The post I’m Afraid That…(things we think but don’t always say) appeared first on Donna Jones.
I saw her in the religion section of Barnes and Noble. Her eyes were wide, her mouth ajar; her expression an equal mixture of stunned and overwhelmed. And all she…
The post Which Bible is Best? appeared first on Donna Jones.
First, congratulations to the winners of last week’s book give away! You were notified by email, so check those inboxes! 🙂 And now for a little encouragement… “Believe nothing of…
The post Can We Trust Anything These Days? appeared first on Donna Jones.