Seek Meeting God Bible Study – Week 6

Week 6


Hey Sweet Friend!

I can hardly believe we’re at week six of our Seek online Bible study! I hope you have enjoyed your reading and study of God’s Word. This week’s reading is jam packed with practical info to help you grow in your relationship with God. Whether you are a new believer or have been a Christian since you can remember, you’ll find this week’s reading a must!

The homework is simple:


1. Read Chapters Eleven and Twelve (they are short and easy)

2. Do the shortened Bible studies included below. If you are really ambitious, you can do the study found at the end of each chapter.

Have a great week!



Chapter 11: After the Introduction

1. If you have sincerely prayed to accept Christ Jesus as your Savior, several things are now true about you. According to the verses listed below, what are they?

John 10:28

John 15:14-15

2 Corinthians 5:17

Galatians 2:20

Ephesians 1:13-14

Philippians 1:6

Romans 5:1

Romans 8:1

Romans 8:38-39

Hebrews 7:25

Hebrews 13:5 and Deuteronomy 31:6

2. Which of these truths are most meaningful to you? Why?

3. Which of these truths are hardest for you to embrace as true?

4. The truest thing about you is not what you feel, nor what others say is true. The truest thing about you is what God says is true. How will these truths impact your confidence in your relationship with God?


Chapter 12: Growing to Know the God You Seek

The more we get into God’s word, the more God’s word gets into us, and the more we grow.

1. According Romans 12:2 how does God’s word help transform us?

2. How have you seen evidence that God is changing you as you’ve renewed your mind through the study of His Word?

3. Look up Hebrews 10:23-25 and answer the following questions:

a. How are other believers supposed to help you in your faith?

b. How are you supposed to help others in their faith?

c. How has God used another person to encourage you in your relationship with him? Be as specific as possible.

3. Some people contend that since their faith is a personal matter, they don’t need to be part of a church. Based on the scriptures above, how would you answer this objection?

The moment you trust Christ as your Savior you are given a spiritual gift which makes you an integral part of the body of Christ. Your gift is more than a talent; it is a unique skill set given to you for the express purpose of helping others grow in their relationship with God. Each believer is to serve the other members of God’s family so that each of us can continue to grow in our knowledge and love of Christ.

4. Read 2 Corinthians 12:11-31.

a. Who gives spiritual gifts?

b. Why are the gifts given?

c. Are some gifts better than others?

5. How can you begin serving other people in Jesus’ name using your unique spiritual gifts? Write down one step you will take this week.